Horcrux is my all time favorite surfboard and the best surfboard I’ve designed. I originally named it “Speed Nugget” which is pretty apt, but I’ve become so in tune with this board that when it dies, it’s going to take a piece of my soul with it—so I renamed it Horcrux. Mine is 4’11”•20.5•2.25 and approximately 27L, and I ride it in anything from thigh high to 1-2’ overhead, which covers 95% of my surfing…I’ll switch to a mini-gun thruster if it’s barreling but otherwise this is my ride.
I shaped it with chined rails with a deep single to double concave, that necks down through the fins kind of like a bonzer. The chined rails allow it to go rail-to-rail quickly for such a wide board, prevent it from catching rail coming off the top, and add suction when riding it finless or semi-finless (which I do when conditions suit it).
This one shown has an EPS core, with paulownia wood top and bottom, and solid paulownia rails. It has no fiberglass, only an all natural oil-varnish finish over the wood.
Most of these pictures show it with a twinzer fin configuration, which is how I originally shaped it. I’ve since updated it to a split-keel quad design, which is the ultimate small wave fin setup, period. It has the drive of a keel twin with the loose, pivotal nature of a MR twin, and is a total blast.
When the waves are about shoulder high and clean, I ride this board semi-finless, like a Jon Wegener Blugill. It’s super fun to spin 360s and it will do finless cutbacks too.